
Unexpected Availability

Due to some personal factors, service reliability may be affected.

February 20, 2023

I've been given my 1 month notice at my job (as of the 20th of February 2023), and my role has been made redundant. This is just a post to make sure that you all are in the loop with what's going on. Some services may go down for a while since I might not be able to afford rent/electricity/internet to host these services, which I self-host to save even more money.

If any of my services go dark (or I do), then you can contact me via email (listed on or on telegram at @ktsddm.

I will try my best to keep everything alive and available for as long as I can, and just as usual, any donations are greatly appreciated (via ko-fi, or Liberapay)

Affected Services

You can view the status for all self-hosted services at my uptime dashboard