So VALVe has released a new game.
Created: August 5, 2024
Updated: August 24, 2024
It's like if Dota 2 and Warframe had a child, but it also gives the dopamine rush of a constant pub push in Team Fortress 2. It also has a pretty darn small install size of 22gb, and download size of ~10gb, especially with the quality of the assets, but it also only has one map so far.
Only complaints so far is the big frame drops when lots of stuff is happening at once, but that's kinda expected with the system specs I have.
Apart from that specific issue, it's a pretty darn good game to play, and I can even play without being stomped by nerds!
screenshot of post-game summary showing in-game stats
I was going to write an elaborate blog post about how cool it is, but I can't really be bothered (because work 'n life 'n stuff). If you want more frequent ramblings then look at my mastodon, or twitter.
this blog post was originally written on the 5th of August 2024, but the restriction for sharing info about deadlock has been lifted by valve, and thus this blog post was made public on the 24th of August 2024.